SPIRIT GAMING has expanded its product line by high quality blank-tickets and paper for ticket printers. We are the first official distribution partner in Germany for MONIKO.

High Quality, Sustainability and Expedition characterize MONIKO.

The owner-managed Company rooted in Mazedonien disposes about more than 20 years of experience. Furthermore, they can present inspection certificates from important companies like JCM, Transact and Nanoptix which proof the high security  and quality standards fulfilled by their tickets.

MONIKO is one of the few European manufacturers of tickets with that quality, having environmental advantages, in the gaming industry. Being aware of climate change short and efficient ways of transportation become more and more important. Especially for European customers short delivery times and reduced transport costs can be guaranteed by that.

As the paper for the TiTo-tickets is produced in Germany a high quality can be ensured right from the beginning. Moreover, every step of production is controlled to fulfil international standards.
Besides that, MONIKO is keeping an eye on current trends and innovations.

  • High Quality (paper “Made in Germany”)
  • High Felixibility (individual design of the tickets)
  • Short delivery times (latest 2 weeks after order confirmation)

Besides that, we guarantee best prices. Please ask for your individual proposal!

All these features show that MONIKO is a valuable and dedicated partner striving for optimal support.